Osmington Kit List

Osmington Kit List

Please ensure all items are clearly named
Socks - over ankle not trainer liners (8 old pairs in case of wet weather)
3 or more fleeces/jumpers (ideally not sweatshirt style hoodies)
5 T-shirts (at least 2 with long sleeves)
3 or more pairs old trousers - track suit (not jeans) (Three quarter trousers are not suitable for day wear)
2 pairs trainers (1 for wet activities) – Walking boots if you have them
1 pair clean shoes/trainers for indoors
Waterproof jacket and waterproof over trousers (2 waterproof jackets if you have them)
Hat and gloves 
Casual evening clothes - please be aware that many of the evening activities are outdoors.  All activities require long sleeves and long trousers to be worn.
Other essentials – all items must be clearly named
Wash bag - to include lip balm/Vaseline or something similar
1 towel
Pen and paper/book/puzzle book/game
Small bag/rucksack 
Drinks bottle
Named plastic bags/bin liners for wet/dirty clothes

To enjoy the activities, it is essential that your child can dress appropriately.  The activities will take place outside, whatever the weather, so their clothing will need to keep them warm and dry.  

Please ensure your child knows what is in their case - they will need to find their fleece or waterproof when it is cold or wet.

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